Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The second day


We have had nonstop adventures starting from the plane trip to the DR continuing to today, and for the rest of the week. Each day is a different and new experience, serious and funny. Last night we found out about the cockroaches that like to live in our hotel rooms. We went to Jumbo, a giant store that has everything and then we went for ice cream. THe dinners, breakfasts, and bus rides are bonding experiences for the group. Once at the batayes, we set out to work. THe first day, I worked with the kids, at the de-worming station. All the children are adorable. As most of us said, no matter what language they speak and no matter how poor they are, kids will be the same no matter what. They love playing games and they love gifts. It's so rewarding to see the kids smile when you give them something as small as a hair elastic. Then today, I saw a completely different aspect because I worked with Carol, the pediatrician who came with us. There was a little girl who was extremely malnourished and it was so sad to the condition that she was in.

Well I can't wait to go relax in the pool and speaking for the group, we can't wait to continue with the rest of the week. It's so enjoyable.

Adios y hasta luego!.


Anonymous said...

glad you are getting to see the inside of a store! Why am i not surprised that you are loving the little kids. honey, you are experiencing a side of life that dad and i have never seen. we can only send our prayers to these people and you are living your faith in a very tangible way. glad you are enjoying the pool. love to all of you and God bless you all!

Unknown said...

Querida Marcela (y amigos),

It sounds like you are having such a wonderful experience! What's spring break without cucarachas? I will never forget my three alternative spring break trips with MB. The people I met, the sights I saw, and the friends I made along the way have guided me to where I am today. You all should be proud of the great work that you are doing.
Somos todos muy orgullosos de ustedes!
Keep posting!!!!

Anne Pariseau said...

It was great to see the pictures! It made it all seem more real as we have had cold days and even snow. It sounds like you are having an amazing experience which is having a huge impact not only on the people you are helping but on you as a group as well. I love reading the blog every day- Anne