Monday, March 19, 2007

Day One in the Batey

Hola! Como tamos?

Today was our first day working here in the bateyes. We have all happily adjusted to the temperature, the language, the work, and the culture.

And it was an intense amount of work. We have people registering and listing complaints, f0llowing the doctors, translating, filling prescriptions, and all of this is under the burning hot sun.

But that's not to disregard the amount of fun that we all had today as well. I found it amazing to talk with the kids. They told me their daily routine and talked to me about school. Baseball and soccer are unanimously the favorite sports; dolls are precious objects among the girls. They all played hand games and taught me their songs. The most personal part was when I asked all the kids what they wanted to be when they grew up. They all expressed a respect for what their parents are, but a distaste for actually doing it in the future. "Estamos en educacion para salir de eso" they told me, "we are working on our education to get out of this place" and with their shining smiles, I truly expect them to.


What's up everyone,

Today was our first full day. We all had different jobs to perfom in the bateys. Myself, Sushil, Melissa, and our new friend Allie got to work in the pharmacy handing out medications to the people. The heat was expected but very difficult to deal with for me at first, but I think we all adjusted fairly well. The highlight for me had to be getting to hang out with the kids. Whether we were having simple conversations about our daily lives or doing our best Ronaldinho impressions, we enjoyed ourselves. I think the kids enjoyed themselves as well.

So, we're done with the work for today and it's back to the hotel for a little R&R. We all need to recharge for another undoubtedly busy day and have a chance to reflect a little bit. I think I speak for all of us when I say today was a true eye-opener. Now that our eyes are open, we can spend the rest of our week doing what we came here to do: help these people while having a little fun.



Anonymous said...

that was incredible sharing.
thank you very much.
thank you for taking your vacation time to make a difference in the lives of others.
with much appreciation of your good work

Anonymous said...

How warm is it over there? You guys are missing 37 degree weather and some snow tonight (only an inch or so).

I look forward to reading your future posts.

Anne Pariseau said...

It was great to see pictures today! It makes it all more real especially as we sit here in the snow and you speak of adjusting to the heat. It sounds like your experience so far has already had a tremendous impact not only on those you're helping, but also on you as a group. I look forward to reading your enteries every day! Anne