Thursday, March 8, 2007

Pre-Trip Queries

Why are you going on the trip?
What are you looking forward to?
Is there anything you're nervous about?


Sushil Trivedi said...

I am looking forward to this trip, because as I have traveled abroad in prior years, I have never gone to a forgein country with out my parents. This is going to be a great experience for me to see what other parts of the world are like other than in nice resorts and hotel rooms. I have seen and visited a third world country before, and I find it a duty of mine, with all the luxuries that I have, to give back to people who do not benfit from the same luxuries, with no fault of their own. I am not nervous about using my Spanish in real life sitautions, not in the classroom, however, this is also one reason I am excited to be going on the trip. I am looking forward to helping other people who are in need of the supplies we can attain on a regular basis. Seeing the smiles in the kids faces when I give them a soccer ball, I can only imagine, will be priceless. I am not going to lie, the nice weather and brighht sun, does provide a great oppourtunity to get a nice tan as well.

Kamau said...

As an individual, I see this trip as a unique oppurtunity to grow. I look forward to testing my own boundaries and finding out more about myself that i wouldn't be forced to think about in my current surroundings. To be able to accomplish this while helping those in need is an oppurtunity few are presented with in their lifetime. I owe it to both the people in need and to myself to go on this trip. I'd have to say the thing I'm most nervous about is the culture shock we're all in store for. Obviously we've been briefed by people who have made the trip before about what to expect, but there's no teacher like experience. I'm curious as to how i'll react when thrown into a situation i'm not used to being in. The thing I'm looking forward to the most is getting the oppurtunity to interact with the children. Whether it's givnig them medicine, telling them stories,playing soccer with them, or just listening to them, I can't wait to be able to have a positive impact on their lives.

Liam Miner said...

Hello everyone,
I am very excited about thsi trip. It will eb a fun filled adventure and I am overjoyed to be a part of it. I love serving the community and I feel this trip will eb a great way to give back to those less fortunate.

melissa said...

I am going on the trip because i think its great to help those who have less than us, especialy in a place where many people, including myself, go on vacation to resorts and never experience what real life there is like. The only thing i am nervous about is that i wont know what to do to be helful when we are working in the clinics, but i have been assured someone will be there to tell me. I am not really nervous about much though. I am looking forward to being in a warm climate, using my spanish, playing with the children, giving people medical care because they get so little, giving out little meaningless toys that will make the kids sooo happy.

i am wicked souped to go.
im not souped to get up at 3:00 am. and i hope i dont throw up on the plane.

Lindy N. said...

I am going on this trip again because I went last year and I really enjoyed it. Initially, I applied to go on the trip because I love working with people and I really wanted to use my Spanish outside the classroom. I love giving back to people who need assistance, especially in a tropical atmosphere! There are many things that I am once again looking forward to experiencing. I can't wait to interact with the great people there, speak spanish, and enjoy getting to know a culture that I am not accustomed to. As for things I am nervous about, I am always nervous when I travel without my parents. Especially out of the country, knowing me I will probably lose my passport or something. I can't wait for the next time I post because that means I will be in the D.R. sunshine!

Lizi J said...

1. Why am I going on this trip? I applied to the DR Trip for a number of reasons. Firstly, I'm incredibly interested in science and medicine, and I seize any opportunity to immerse myself in such an environment. I like working with people, and there's no better place to establish contact with a slew of people (and potentially change their lives) than at a hospital. Additionally, I think language is pretty sweet. Whether it's writing, reading or speaking in my language or another, I'm fascinated by it and relish any chance I get to exercise my abilities.

2. What am I looking forward to? All of the above. I am psyched about every little detail of this trip. Except, I suppose, the whole 3:45am-at-the-airport concept...

3.What am I nervous about? Well, I would have to say my primary concern is that I speak French. Not Spanish. And given that I am particularly taken with the whole idea of talking (..a lot..), the language barrier is a little daunting to me.

4. What am I expecting? I am expecting that every aspect of this trip will be completely unexpected. I've been told that I cannot imagine what it is like in the DR and have full confidence in these admonishments. I've tried to imagine what to expect, but I know any prior expectations will be blown out of the water. (I just said "expect" way too many times. Sorry.)

Bottom line? I can't wait. :)


marcela said...

so i am looking foward to this trip, not only because we can leave this freezing weather, but also because we are going to a place that really needs us. it will be a good oppurtunity to expand my horizons, especially since it will be my first time using Spanish outside of the classroom. it will also allow us to experience a completely different culture than ours. i am going on this trip becuase i love working with people and i am somewhat interested in medicine, both of which we are exposed to on this trip. overall, i am not nervous about anything, i am just so excited to be going on this trip with such great people and i know that it will be fun. everyoen has said how enjoyable and memorable this trip is, so i just can't wait to go.

Emily P said...

With the trip fast aproaching I'm getting extremely excited, I feel all giddy! I have never done something like this before and I think is going to be a great experience where I am able to step out of my comfort zoe and experience something entirely different than my everyday life. I love the group that we are going with and am looking forward to getting to know all of you better! Also I'm excited to be able to be involved in such a great and beneficial project. We live lives of luxury and I'm looking foward to being able to help a group of people who are not as well off. Ultimatly I'm excited and nervious all mixed into one because this is going to all be so new to be!
