Friday, March 23, 2007

More Fotos from the orphanage

Thanks to Lindy's suggestion we made it back to the orphanage again this year and the students had a great time with the children. The orphanage has 140 children from infants to 19 years old. These are children who no longer have a safe home or parents to live with.

At the Clinics

Thought you should see the fearless leaders at work:)

Visit to the orphanage and Meeting High Octane

More Photos...

Last Student Blog

Hello everyone. The DR has been an amazing, unforgetable trip that is almost over. We finished our final day of work today, Friday, at a barrio which is a town inside a city. There weren't that many patients today as there have been at the bateys throughout the trip. We saw probably 50 people today comparred to the 100-200 we normally see at the bateys. It has been a wonderful work experience filled with some of the most kind and playful people I have ever met. The adults have been really receptive to our help and very gracious however the true pleasure of the trip is dealing with the children. All of them have great personalities and they love just to be with us. They keep us company and they are a real priviledge to meet. It has been an honor to help such wonderful people and it has benefited me in more ways than it has probably benefitted our patients. My spanish is improving and constantly put to the test, put my Moses Brown experience has taught me enough to get by. I am having a great time and am going to have trouble leaving tomorrow. We have seen an And-1 basketball game, gone to a resort, learned about medicine, and given back to the community. It has been a unforgettable trip and I hope to return again. For anyone interested, please take the time to ask anyone on this trip questions because we all think it has been amazing.
See you all back in the states tomorrow!
Liam Miner

P.S. Melissa Gordon told me to tell the readers that she was rushed yesterday but wanted to say that she loved playing basketball against the Kansas team who by the way we beat and she also enjoyed seeing the And-1 team play, which she hopes to see again.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Hola! The DR has been perfect so far and I am so happy to be here. Today i was a scribe for a doctor, Molly Bliss, and it was my favorite thing to do so far. I got to really see many of the patients there and hear about their problems; it was realy interesting. Its been realy hot but so nice- all of us are missing summer and dread coming home to snow. Yesterday the beach was so fun, we went banana boating and that was really cool. This is such an amazing experience, we were all talking about how hard it will be to explain when we get home what it is really like. But we are all enjoying ourselves so much. Hasta Luego!


Hi everyone back home. The DR is so amazing. Today was the first day with alot of rain. I was walking outside with Kamau and it started to pour on us and we got drenched. Not fun. But everything has been perfect. We all went to the beach yesterday, 3/21, and I could not have asked for a better day. The sun was shining the whole time. Afterwards we ate dinner at The Casa de Campo Resort. I had a "Chicken Alfredo Pizza," and it is now my new favorite food. P.S. dad, I spent 20 dollars on two Pina Coladas, oops. Miss you Lindy. Ill see you all soon. Bye...